Lockdown in Paris: Day 28

Happy Monday. It is Monday, right? The days bleed one into the other. Montuwedthufrisatsunday. And back around again. And they go fast, too, don’t they? One minute it’s 8 a.m. and the next, it’s dinnertime. What did I do all day?

But never fear, I’m launching a NEW EDIT CALENDAR for my blog posts that will help you keep track of the days. From now on, think of your week like this:

MUSIC MONDAY (Listen to today’s track below!)

To kick off the week, I share a song recorded in my Paris studio (and by “studio” I mean literally my one-room apartment). I’ll mix it up, classical, pop, torch songs, American Songbook—whatever suits my fancy (and whatever has karaoke tracks on Youtube.)



Sick of the view outside your window? I’m sick of mine, too. So I’ll be sharing the views of my friends and readers from around the world—plus, they’ll tell you what it’s like on lockdown where they are.



An essay, a poem, a photo—I let my creativity flow, free from the constraints of the diary format.




A day reserved for introspection, musings—and from time to time, hard philosophical questions about us during confinement.




I (attempt to) make you laugh, to find the humor in human behavior during these hard times. You gotta laugh to keep yourself from crying, am I right?




I take a break from themes altogether, and write whatever comes to mind, as I have been doing up to now—musings, lists, tips, ideas, and more.




A pictorial of a whatever I see on my weekly walks in my neighborhood, as well as photos of Paris before lockdown.



Get caught up on my diary, here.


Music Monday is here!

“My Man” was written originally for the French stage sensation, Misinguett (Mon Homme). When Florenz Ziegfeld heard it, he immediately bought the rights for his Follies star, Fanny Brice. This was a staple in my cabaret shows. I’d often sing it in both the original French and English, but here, I’m taking a stab at the Streisand arrangement from the film Funny Girl. Enjoy.


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28 responses to “Lockdown in Paris: Day 28

  1. Thanks for sharing all of this interesting information. It helps to brighten our day. My wife and I met you a couple of times at Adrian Leeds monthly gatherings. We try to get to Paris every year but, who knows when we can get there again with this horrendous plague we are all experiencing. Stay well.

  2. Bonjour Lisa
    Happy Easter Monday thank you for your weekend posts and photos especially yesterdays stroll in the sun to your Church steps. I watched it snow (yes) most of the day spring is so late to arrive I Alberta Canada !!
    Really enjoyed your recording what a treat for us .

  3. Another great song and your rendition is fab.
    I love the theme days, something fun to look forward to.
    If you ever sing in Paris, I’d love to hear you in person someday.
    Take care

  4. Hi Lisa,
    Like the new format!
    Question…I’ve been trying to see your episode where you buy your place in Paris but I can’t find where to view it. I can find the listing…any hints? I’d love to see it.
    Thank you

    • House Hunters International? HGTV cycles it every now and then. It was online for a few months last year. Check their site. The link is in the right-hand side bar on the desktop view of my blog. Also, Google: Lisa Anselmo Finding Happiness in Paris

      • Nothing happens when you clicked on my link? If you’re not in the US, you can’t access HGTV.com. But the episode is not currently available. It came out in 2014 (hard to believe!).

  5. Brilliant!.
    We all try to find order in things, make schedules, find a purpose, I will gladly follow yours.
    “Paris is always a good idea” , hope to return for a visit soon.

  6. Lisa,
    Finally got around to reading your entries for the week–been buried studying for midterms–and this one took my breath away.
    I’ve always been a huge fan of the American Songbook and have loved ‘My Man’ for ages. Loved your rendition of the song.

    Thank you.

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